Other Crafts

This page is for the times when I get diverted from papercrafting into other craftiness, namely, Knitting, Sewing, Needle and Wet felting

Click for larger image of the Bunnies

Knitted Rabbits

These rabbits are knitted from a pattern I bought from Little Cotton Rabbits. They are really fun to knit and come with a range of patterns for the clothes too. You can find the pattern for the girl rabbit on Ravelry Knitting these can be addictive and soon you could have your own warren full!

Click for larger image of the Softies


I like it when Crafts crossover and this is what happens when you use the quilting dies from Sizzix. Especially their Softies range. its so easy to cut the pattern pieces to sew when all you have to do is run them through the bigshot, cutting multiple layers at the same time.

I do have a big advantage, living with a sewing machine collection has given me access to a brilliant Swiss made 1961 Elna Supermatic. Using drop in cams, it can accomplish a lot of stitches, so applique is no problem. Plus for smaller jobs I have a Singer 222K Featherweight that is a joy to use.

Click for more information on the Elna
Click for more information on the Singer

Click for larger image of the Gnomes


Converting natural fibres into fabric or shapes by felting is a fascinating process - unless you have thrown your favourite wool sweater into the washing machine and it has come out 6 sizes smaller!

Wet felting is a process whereby hot soapy water opens up the scales on the fibres and with the aid of friction, they grab and hold onto each other making the mass smaller and denser - hence the shrinkage.

Needle felting achieves a similar effect by mechanical means. Very sharp (I know from the accidental jabbing of fingers) needles that have barbs near the point are stabbed into the fibres forcing the scales to interlock. This means you can sculpt with wool, silk etc. or anything that can mesh together to make shapes, figures and animals.

Gnomes! these are a good place to start your felting journey. Learning how to shape the pieces to make up the body, nose, hat and beard. Gnome hats in particular can use both methods of felting - needle felt the basic shape and then go on to wet felt to get the size and appearance.
Click here for a pictorial on how to make a Gnome.